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Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Dear Humanities Academy Students,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. We finished discussing the five reasons "Why studying the Humanities is so significant?" If you  missed these five reasons, please visit with someone in class.

2. We then continued with Ms. Davis introducing your "Adaptive Art" assignment to you. Please note the explanation for it below. If you have any questions, please stop by for an explanation.

Adaptive Art”
Humanities Academy

Due Date:FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th
  1. In a few minutes, you will have the opportunity to locate a piece of art which you find intriguing. You will use the text, Art Through the Ages, by Helen Gardner to find your choice. There are no parmeters to your decision. Basically, select a piece that “moves” you in some way. Maybe you are drawn to the artist's color chioces, or the expression indicated on the subjects' faces. Just make sure that you are secure in your decision.
  2. Once you have selected a particular piece, you are to create a “cover” for your Humanities Academy notebook based upon your selection. Let me show you our examples to assist you with developing your own ideas.

This piece, entitled “Black Mesa Landscape,” is the inspiration for Ms. Davis's cover.

This piece from the Lindisfarne Gospels is the inspiration for Mrs. Crampton's cover.

  1. You are welcome to use any medium for your cover; this includes computer generated work. You should not recreate the work as a whole, but rather use it to help you create an “adapted” piece. In essence, it is the catalyst for your “Humanities Academy” notebook. Be created! Think beyound what you see in front of you. Consider the emotions you feel when you look at the work. Impress us, because we love to be impressed.
  2. Finally, on the back of your cover, please include a brief, typed explanation, indicating why you selected your chosen piece.
  3. You must also include a citation for your chosen piece. This needs to be included as a seperate page from the explanation. Please note the citation example below for you to follow:
    Works Cited (example)

    Sargent, John Singer. The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit. 1882. Museum of Fine Arts,
(name of artist, title of work, year piece was created, location) 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Dear Academy Students,

We completed the following today in class:

1. We completed going through the Dis. Doc.

2. You were introduced to your first journal entry.

JOURNAL #1 "Why Man Creates?"
 Comment on the question, "WHY DO WE CREATE? Construct? Depict? Invent? Write? Capture? Perform? What drives mankind to create? For the second part of your entry, view the video clip entitled, "Why Man Creates?," identify people, places cultures, buildings, philosophies, time periods, inventions, works of art, and events that you recognize. 

2. We discussed your homework assignment entitled, "What are the Humanities? Why are they worth studying?" with partners. We then proceeded to obtain the "Davis/Crampton" definition for our course and the FIVE reasons for studying the humanities.

3. Students submitted their homework assignment, and then your assignment entitled "Adaptive Art" was explained . Please note the assignment below.

Adaptive Art”
Humanities Academy

Due Date:MONDAY, AUGUST 26th
  1. In a few minutes, you will have the opportunity to locate a piece of art which you find intriguing. You will use the text, Art Through the Ages, by Helen Gardner to find your choice. There are no parmeters to your decision. Basically, select a piece that “moves” you in some way. Maybe you are drawn to the artist's color chioces, or the expression indicated on the subjects' faces. Just make sure that you are secure in your decision.
  2. Once you have selected a particular piece, you are to create a “cover” for your Humanities Academy notebook based upon your selection. Let me show you our examples to assist you with developing your own ideas.

This piece, entitled “Black Mesa Landscape,” is the inspiration for Ms. Davis's cover.

This piece from the Lindisfarne Gospels is the inspiration for Mrs. Crampton's cover.

  1. You are welcome to use any medium for your cover; this includes computer generated work. You should not recreate the work as a whole, but rather use it to help you create an “adapted” piece. In essence, it is the catalyst for your “Humanities Academy” notebook. Be created! Think beyound what you see in front of you. Consider the emotions you feel when you look at the work. Impress us, because we love to be impressed.
  2. Finally, on the back of your cover, please include a brief, typed explanation, indicating why you selected your chosen piece.
  3. You must also include a citation for your chosen piece. This needs to be included as a seperate page from the explanation. Please note the citation example below for you to follow:
    Works Cited (example)

    Sargent, John Singer. The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit. 1882. Museum of Fine Arts,
(name of artist, title of work, year piece was created, location)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Welcome to "The Academy!"

Dear Academy Students,

We welcome you to this exciting course!

HOMEWORK for Thursday, August. 22rd
Please remember the following:

1. Your signed Disclosure Document. Please print it from the blog and have your parents sign it. 

Dear Parents,

We are so excited to have the opportunity to work with your student this year; we sincerely care about them. Their progress in Humanities Academy is extremely important to us. If you are concerned about your student's academic standing, need clarification regarding the disclosure document, an assignment, or feel that we need to visit regarding other concerns , please contact us at school (801-610-8175 ext. 610/715), or we can also be reached by e-mail (adavis@alpinedistrict.org kcrampton@alpinedistrict.org). Contacting us by e-mail is the most effective form of communication. We ask that you take an active role in your student's education at Timpanogos High School. We have developed a blog (www.timpanogoshumanitiesacademy.blogspot.com), which is designed to assist students with their assignments and assessments. We believe you and your student will find it a useful and helpful source. If you would like to make an appointment with us, we are available during our B3 prep period.

We hope this will be a positive year for your student; we look forward to working with them and you!


Anna Davis and Kori Crampton


I have read and understand the disclosure document for Humanities Academy.

Student's Name (please print) _____________________________________ Date: ____________
Parent's Signature ______________________________________________ Date: ____________

2. Your notebook organized and set-up with the following tabs ("homework, handouts, notes, vocab./mechanics and journal)

3. Your assignment entitled "What are the Humanities? Why is studying the Humanities important?" 

As you consider these questions, remember the story shared with you in class today regarding the blind men and the elephant, specifically in relationship to the second questions.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday...
Crampton/ Davis